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Shout "YEAST!"

World record breaking attempts from the Yeast Community.

On a dark night.

In November 2014.

In the deepest countryside in South West England

A party assembled to break a world record.

180 yeast related people gathered at YeastFest music festival, and set a new world record for the most people in one room to shout YEAST simultaneously!

On secret locaion in a Japanese shrine.

In June 2015.

Another party was especially assembled to break the world record.

210 people shouted "YEAST" simultaneously and made history!

Near a small lake in the Northern territories of Italy.

In September 2015.

An elite gathering was held to claim the trophy

190 people very passionately shouted "YEAST". Could we break the world record for the volume of a group of scientists to shout "yeast" simultaneously? Unfortunately not. Due to dodgy travel arrangements and over consumption of food, sound levels (normalised for venue size) only hit 108db.

Better luck next time!

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The objects of the CSF are to advance the education of the public in general (and particularly among scientists) on the subject of yeast genetics and to promote research for the public benefit in all aspects of that subject and to publish the useful results.



Read the full CSF constitution here.

UMass Medical School

UMass Medical School

University of Massachusetts Medical School, in particular the Rhind Lab have given very generously to the Carl Singer Foundation. For that we thank them very much. To find out more about UMassMed visit For more information on the Rhind Lab click below.



University College London, specifically the Bahler lab, have given very generously to the Carl Singer Foundation. For that we thank them very much. To find out more about UCL visit For more information on the Bahler Lab click below.



The Worshipful Company of Scientific Instrument Makers have donated very generously to the Carl Singer Foundation. For that we thank them very much. The WCSIM promotes the craft of scientific instrument making and the exchange of ideas and information by members and guests through meetings, visits, lectures and social events. To find out more click on the link below.

Thanks to our generous supporters

© 2014 The Carl Singer Foundation. Proudly created by the power of yeast!

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